Monday, August 23, 2010

School Week: Take Two

Soooo this weekend was amazing.

I got to see muh sir three days in a row, and that was badly needed.

The first week of school was pretty rough, but it was nothing compared to what this week is going to be like.

I managed to survive today getting up at 6, going to classes at 8 and 10, getting home at 12, (taking a fat nap or two....), making lunch, reading some homework (not really), then working out (which was very tough today and I admit that I sucked at it).

But I'm still alive.

It's only Monday though, which it horrible.....I hope that this week goes by faster than last week seemed to.

It's only 8:20 right now and I'm contemplating going to bed.

My idea for a Yoda bust totally got shut down today in Sculpture by the teacher, but I made a maquette out of clay that I think is going to be pretty cool, given that he lets it fly.....if not, we're going to have a discussion about how he told us that art is subjective and everyone has their own opinions......I happen to think that a wooden bust of Yoda made from 10-year cured Southern Cedar is EXTREMELY cool.

Some 40-year-old single man living at home with his mother is sure to by it for a couple thousand dollars.....

But that's beside the point.

I just need to get by with all A's again this semester.....sadly I think that the Jewelry Making class is going to be the hardest to scrape an A out of......

If I get my first B this semester (or ever), I fully expect you to listen to my crying and whining.

I used to make fun of kids that cried about that kind of thing, but when you work your ass off to achieve it and then get that first disappointing I don't even want to think about it.

Tomorrow is going to kind of suck, 
I have three hours of Jewelry Making in the morning (I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have come up with a design or something, he hasn't really been there to tell us what we're supposed to be doing....), then I have to find this Turner Center for the Arts place to write a stupid thing for my stupid Perspectives class......such a waste of time, that class.  Then I have a break at home, then my Landforms class that afternoon.
I hope that I'll have time to clean the apartment again like I did last week.  I'd like to be able to clean it every Tuesday with perhaps some time for a nap......if I'm lucky.

I got some really good response from my Graphic Design class and teacher on my Thumbnails for Project 1.

No one really had anything bad to say, and the teacher really liked the ideas.
That made me feel really good, I hope that I do well in this because if I don't....well, I really just have no idea what I'm going to do about a career, haha.

Goodnight to all.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Almost survived!

I've almost made it one week!

But not without some struggle first....

I got up at 6:00 this morning to get ready to go to class, and left in time that I could eat a handful of Cheerios and drink my coffee in my car before class.

I left about 10 minutes before class was supposed to start, I knew there would already be people there like there was last time/usually is.

I got to the room, and saw that the door was closed, which is very unusual for studio classes unless it's the wood shop or 3-D Studio because of the machine-noise.

I stopped at the door with a confused look on my face, waited a few seconds to try to heard anything going on inside, then gently tried twisting the handle.........

It was locked.

I waited again for a reaction from inside....nothing.

I knocked quietly.......nothing.

Another girl comes up and stands waiting behind me.
I asked her if she was in the Jewelry class, she replied that she was.

We talked amongst ourselves knowing that the instructor said "I'll be out of class Thursday, my wife will be in the hospital for surgery," but he never said that class was cancelled.

I knocked once more with feeling, and waited for a reply that never came from inside the EMPTY room.

Apparently class was cancelled and we were the only ones that didn't understand that from,
"I'll be out Thursday."

Be more specific, please.

I returned to the apartment a bit flustered, quietly came in, knowing that my cousin would probably still be asleep because she doesn't have school Th/F.  On the way home I convinced myself to workout since I knew I wouldn't be able to tonight because of my late classes.

I went to the gym and thought I was going to be alone, but another girl came.  She had a happy disposition so I did not mind her at all.
I introduced her to Gene Simmons Family Jewels (that's about all that was on).

I walked 10 mintes, then cycled 10 minutes, then walked another 10 minutes to finish out the mile.

Before I started my second round of tredmill, two more girls came in, yet they weren't wearing the same happy face the first girl was.  

They looked bitchy, even though I smiled to acknowledge them when they came in.

As soon as I finished my workout and cleaning the equipment, I left to finish my workout with crunches in my room.

I felt a whole lot better getting my workout done a little early today....I'm just really not looking forward to my other classes.

When I got done I "washed the dishes" and then took about a 45 minute nap to make up for the 6 am wakeup call.

When I got up I had a banana with some peanut butter, and wheat thins with a laughing cow cheese triangle for lunch.

After killing myself watching Paula Deen make Coconut Shrimp and Pina Colada smoothies, I still had two hours before I needed to leave for my next classes.  I did a little straightening up in my room and started to get things ready to leave tomorrow.

After classes I met my cousin at Las Banderas for dinner....
We had chicken enchiladas!

And I ate the whollllleeee thing.

Annnd....put the rest in a to-go box lol.

After that I had to go to Wal-Mart to get some stuffs...Let's just say that the Valdosta Wal-Mart was the very last place that I wanted to be the way that I was feeling when I had to go.

They are completely redoing the store and it was complete and utter chaos.

Everything was cramped and out of place, and there were STILL like...1000 people in there!

I was about to sh*t a brick.

I finally got/found all of the stuff I needed and got the hell outta dodge.

When I got home me and my cousin sat on the couch for a while, she grabbed a cat nap so that she would be awake enough to talk to her man when he got on Skype later.

They're pretty cute.

I had a nanner before bed because I was craving something sweet but we don't really have any dessert, .....which is probably a really good thing.

Only two more classes and I get to go home to see muh family and muh sir!

I'm very ready for tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Today was soopah long again....
Got up at 6 and had plennnty of time to leave early for my Sculpture class.

The coffee was amazing today.

I met Dustin and Anna for lunch at Beijing cafe and had amazing Chicken Fried Rice.....but half of it went to waste in my car because I didn't get to take it home.

I went to my Perspectives class, wrote a few paragraphs and then left.......

Then I met my friends Stephanie and Henning at Tropical Smoothie and had an amazing Mango smoothie....haven't had one in a while.....and I didn't remember until I had already ordered that they have a chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie....i wanted to choke myself.


After I got caught up with them I ran to Target to get some workout/walking around campus in hot weather clothes....I got two pairs of shorts and two t-shirts.
That should last me, haha.

On my way to the apartment it was all Happy-Fun-Sunshine! on one side of the sky, and I'M-GOING-TO-RAIN-DOWN-HELLISH-FLOODS-OF-DOOM on the other side.

I got back around 5:30 and my cousin and I went to work out at 5:45.  We worked out for more than 30 minutes!!! I was so proud of us.

I walked on the tredmill for 10 minutes, biked for 10 minutes, then walked out the rest of the mile on the tredmill which took about 8 more minutes, then I did crunches and some weight exercises.

I feel soooooo awesome after I work out....and I feel better the next morning too! And it doesn't take but about two days to feel your muscles getting stronger and tighter.

Right now we're trying to figure out what to eat.....

Chocolate Masterpieces just came on the Food Network....I think I know what I want for dinner.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today was soooo long and dragged horribly.

I woke up at 6:30 instead of 6:00....bad idea.

I felt a little rushed, but managed to get out the door on time for my ridiculously long Jewelry Making class....almost 3 hours long.  
I think that if I get a B this semester, it's going to be that class.  Apparently the teacher grades really hard and there are a lot of safety risks involved too.

(Oh, and my mommy sent me a picture of fluffy kitty)
Sorry it's sideways....

Once I got the hell outta dodge I stopped by Harvey's to get a few groceries for dinner.

I had a relatively healthy lunch....
1/2 Turkey Sandwich on Wheat with Wheat Thins and Laughing Cow
......cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed everything except Sarah's room, mopped the tiled floors, cleaned the glass-top tables and the bathroom mirror,

then promptly plopped down for a quick nap.

I didn't sleep for very long before I woke up and tried to busy myself until my next class.

I left with plenty of time to find a parking spot in the very full Oak-Street Parking Lot/Deck....Luckily I only had to go to the second floor to find one.

Then I walked 20 MINUTES to my Landforms class....JEEBUS.  I was literally DRIPPING with sweat by the time that I got there.
It was awful.

My Landforms class has at LEAST 200 people in it....this is by far the largest class that I have ever had in my life.  It's nuts.........I made sure to sit on the front row so I wouldn't get distracted lol.

But seriously, it's like a movie theatre-sized room.

That's the view from my seat, I can't even see the instructor behind the podium.  She has to use a mic.
After that class ended I met up with Anna and walked around a bit before her class.  We got a snack and then I made my way on the happy fun adventure back to my car.

I wasn't AS sweaty because it was super overcast and windy on the way back. (INTERNAL HAPPY TIME PARTY OF HAPPINESS!)

I happily left campus.

Once I got home I tried to do some of my Jillian workout, but talked myself out of it and watched the last bit of Glenn Beck....then had some wheat thins...u___u;;

Then I was guilted into going by hearing that muh sir was going to the gym (even though he wasn't feeling so great) I worked up enough energy to get changed and do tred mill, cycle, steps and weights for about 20 minutes before my cousin told me that she thought she'd be home around 7.

I decided to stop and get things going in the kitchen.

I actually managed to have everything done at the same time at was a bloody miracle....but she was a little later than she thought so I had to warm it again anyway, haha.

It was pretty delicious, if I don't sound too braggy.  Sure, the bacon sucked, but it was healthier for us at least.

Peanut Butter Banana French Toast, Eggs, Grits, and Turkey Bacon!

The French Toast was so easy and so delicious.  I can't believe it.

I would totally eat it again right now, but I think I'll wait until Friday, haha.

I'm so ready for this week to be over, and it's only Tuesday of the first week.

This semester is going to be my hardest yet.


Friday is going to be so awesome though, I can't wait.

6:00 wakeup call tomorrow.....gotta get to bed!

Goodnight world.

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of Class.....

I didn't leave my house for Valdosta until about 9:00 last night.....(we were shooting more for 8).

I had packed up a lot of my stuff in my car earlier that day, but apparently there was way more stuff to go than I, cleaning supplies, clothes, makeup, etc.

It took three good, tiring trips to the car to get all the stuff inside!

Tonight will be my first real, full night at the apartment with my cousin so I'm curious to see what happens!  We are supposed to work out at the gym when she gets off of work....I've never been to a gym before, so whoever is there should get some good entertainment out of watching me try to work the machines and stuff.....

Once I finally got everything "in its place," my room actually looks like someone lives in it, haha.

I thought that I was going to sleep like a rock because I was sleepy yesterday and didn't get a nap, but it took me forever to get to sleep, and then I woke up....

Until I got up at 6 to start getting ready for school.

Getting up was kind of hard just because I'm not used to getting up before 7:30/8 for classes (at least for last spring semester).

The water took a little while to get hot in the shower, which I've had difficulty with before, but I've just got to learn the trick, haha.

I was ready in time to leave 30 minutes early to get a good spot at my building and find my first class (Sculpture)...............that was in the SAME classroom/studio that my 3-D Design class was last semester, haha.  I even recognized the teacher from him being in the wood shop all of the time.

I was sitting at a table completely alone as girls, ONLY girls poured in the room making sure to stay clear of the weird girl sitting alone, haha.

Then something amazing happened.

I felt a little tap on my arm and I looked up,


Only Dustin will know who this is and why I am so ecstatic about it.....she gave me a huge hug immediately following me recognizing her.

If you want to picture her, just picture the tiniest, cutest person in the whole world with the tiniest, cutest voice, and an extreme love for Metal Gear Solid, and you've got Celeste.

She's the bomb and totally made my day.

After almost two hours of Sculpture Syllabus and figuring out the lock for my studio locker, I left for Graphic Design, which is also in the same room as my computer class last semester, and the teacher was/is my advisor.

That class is going to be awesome.

After that I came home, grabbed a quick lunch, and CRASHED on my bed for about an hour and a half.  It took me a few minutes to get to sleep, but I slept like a freaking cow once I got to sleep.

And I felt like a million bucks when I woke up.

Had I not taken that nap I wouldn't have had the energy to work out tonight when my cousin (Sarah) gets I'm glad that I did.

I have another class at 2, so I guess I'll be leaving for that soon.


So I didn't stay for the whole class period, mostly because our teacher isn't in the class for the first 2-3 weeks of we have a Graduate Assistant telling us that we still have to come into class to hand her hard copies of pointless assignments that are posted online.

What a load of bull crap.

But we are supposed to be getting out early pretty much every day.

I didn't really know what to do when I got back, I had a few things to put away in the kitchen and I read a magazine and talked to my mom.....that's pretty much it.

Once my cousin got home from work we went to the little gym on site and worked out for about 30 minutes and came back to the apartment.  I did a few floor exercises and then we had leftover hamburgers for dinner while we very thoroughly critiqued Rachel Ray's horrible cooking ideas.

Sarah: "She's on crack."

A little more Food Network, then she had a show coming on.  I had predetermined that 8:00 means I get a bowl of cereal for dessert.

It's gonna be gooooooood.
